Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in United Republic of Tanzania. It is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain above sea level in the world.
My Guiding Principle
My collaboration with clients, collaborators, and friends is guided by one of my favorite quotes. As Paul Newman once said, “I am not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out.”
Hopefully, my work allows all of us to put a little back into the soil so that we share in our health and prosperity – now and far into the future.
My Value Proposition:
My engagement with clients is cooperative, results driven, and designed to be scalable so it is has a positive impact for the client and society alike.
A Unique and Diverse Background
Over my career I have had a wide range of interesting and challenging experiences – working as a senior staff member in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, serving on the faculty at the United States International University in Nairobi, Kenya, and for almost 15 years, being part of a global movement to integrate sustainability considerations into business practices.
Fostered partnerships between clients and outside experts such as NGOs and academic institutes, and done in a manner so the outcomes have impact, and the work can be scaled across sectors and industries.
Authored the first of its kind “white paper” that outlined how to integrate disability inclusion considerations into ESG investment frameworks.
- The paper set the stage for a series of workshops between disability policy experts, investors, and private sector leaders to achieve its recommendations
Impact Examples:
- Writing sustainability and ESG reports for organizations and advising on related strategy
- Advising on supply chain governance practices to ensure the supply chains operate in a sustainable and responsible manner
- Developed an ESG investment framework for a global asset manager with over $270 billion in assets under management
- Wrote a white paper that explored the emerging concept of “Social Risk” and its implications for corporate risk and reputation management practices
Created a beta version of a first of its kind index to rank companies in the S&P 500 on the influence created by their:
- Business strategy (market value and potential market value)
- Culture (employee relations and corporate governance practices)
- Engagement with external audiences (suppliers, policymakers, NGOs, and local activists) and with society (environmental footprint, philanthropy, etc.)
Beyond sustainability and ESG practices I led the communications and public affairs strategies on a series of mergers and acquisitions, crisis engagements, and reputation building campaigns, with work appearing in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes (cover), Bloomberg BusinessWeek (cover), New York Times, and CBS’ 60 Minutes.
Work on sustainable markets is taking place on a global scale.
All markets that produces sustainable goods and services share 5 traits.
HILOS, The Shoes Powered By Technology and Anchored in Sustainability Step by step, the walk toward sustainability also passes through the footwear industry. This latter is responsible for a dramatic environmental and social impact that involves the entire value chain. However, many companies are now adopting innovative materials and technological solutions to [...]