What Investor Engagement on Disability Inclusion Looks Like
Investors can be effective champions for competitive, integrated employment for persons with disabilities across the private sector by equipping themselves with relevant and impactful information and data. Photo Credit: Mark Lennihan/AP
Trash. The New El Dorado
The world literally is drowning in trash - billions of tons of it. Yet, with a little creativity and ingenuity we can turn someone's trash into our treasure - and make money doing it. Photo Credit: wonderopolis
HILOS, The Shoes Powered By Technology and Anchored in Sustainability
HILOS, The Shoes Powered By Technology and Anchored in Sustainability Step by step, the walk toward sustainability also passes through the footwear [...]
Disability, Board Diversity, and Value Creation
In March 2021 Senator Harkin and I wrote a Bloomberg op-ed arguing NASDAQ's proposal to increase board diversity was flawed as it did not consider the value persons with disabilities brings to boards of directors.
Measuring Human Capital
My letter to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provides a number of concrete recommendations for how the SEC can help investors and policymakers better understand how disability inclusion to drives both shareholder and stakeholder value.
Reputation Management for a Global Retailer
Reputation Management for a Global Retailer Following the2013 collapse of the Dhaka garment factory in Bangladesh (also known as the Rana Plaza collapse) a [...]
How Can I Help You Realize a Better Future?
Ludke Consulting collaborates with innovators, leaders, and doers that have a shared commitment
to scaling ideas into something that creates lasting value in society.